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Doing Business the Right Way


Our Autoclave Repair and Preventive Maintenance service specializes in the repair and maintenance of autoclaves. Our experienced technicians are trained to diagnose and repair any issues you may have, as well as provide preventive maintenance to keep your autoclave running at its best. We strive to ensure optimal performance and reliability from your autoclave.

Our autoclaves


We Put Your Needs First

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Get in Touch


 Ensure a long and productive life of your investment, keep the autoclave working optimally to minimize down time. Schedule the preventive maintenance for your autoclave now. Don't wait any longer 

Preventive Maintenance 

Service Repair/Emergency Calls

Insulator Pad Replacement (Ritter/Midmark)


Mon - Fri: 7am - 3pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

Frequent Asked Questions:

Q: How often do I need to perform Preventive Maintenance on the Autoclave?

A: We recommend following each manufactures guidelines for performing preventive maintenance. Most recommend biannual program.

Q: Is Preventive Maintenance is the same as Safety Check?

A: No. Safety checking only test the current leakage to the chasis of the equipment. A PM is a thorough inspection, replacing or rebuilding of mayor components to prevent breakdowns.

Q: Why do I need Preventive Maintenance for the autoclave?

A: To ensure a long and productive life of your autoclave.

Q: What is the cost of the PM including parts, if i never done maintenance to my autoclave?

A: Less than $1,000.00.


Andres Salcedo

(909) 472-1619

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M11 and M9 Ritter
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